1000 Book Project

The 1,000 Book Project is a reading program sponsored by the Marlboro Faculty Association that motivates children and caregivers to read 1,000 books together. The program is intended for children ages 3-6 and their caregivers living in the Marlboro Central School District.

To participate, visit the Marlboro Free Library or the Sarah Hull Hallock (Milton) Library to begin borrowing pre-made bags of books. In the Library, there are 100 bags containing ten books each. Borrow a numbered bag, read the books together, check off the bag’s number on your reading chart, then return the bag to the Library and check out another one. You can download and print a chart here, or fill one out at the Library.

After reading all 100 bags, your child will be honored at a Board of Education meeting and receive a t-shirt. Please notify the Library once you’ve finished.

“The mission of the Marlboro Faculty Association’s 1,000 Book Project is to make a positive impact in the lives of children in our community through reading, whereby making them lifelong learners who make a positive contribution to society.”

1,000 Book Project
