How Do I?
Answers to your most frequent questions...
How do I get a Library Card?
Please click here for more information on how to get an instant digital Library card.
To check out Library items and to get a physical card, please come into the Library with a photo ID and proof of residency in the Marlboro Central School District.
How do I reserve the community room?
Non-profit organizations and groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities, may put in a formal request to use the Library’s community room when it is not needed for Library activities. Please click here to review our Community Room Use Policy and Application.
How do I access my account?
Patrons can place holds, renew items, and view their records online. To create an online account and to login, please click here.
How do I reset my pin?
Information on creating or resetting a pin to access your account online, can be found here. Ready to reset your pin? Click here.
How do I make a passport appointment?
Please call the Library at 845-236-7272 and choose option 4 to make a passport appointment with one of our agents. Appointments are necessary as our passport agents may not always be in the building or available. For more information, including what to bring to your appointment, click here.
How do I replace my card?
Lost Marlboro Free Library cards can be replaced for $5.00 at the circulation desk. When replacing your card, please bring your photo ID. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to contact the Library to report a lost or stolen card. The cardholder is responsible for all items checked out on their card. The $5.00 fee will not be charged for cards damaged due to heavy use.
How do I sign up for a program?
Please visit our calendar and click on the program title you would like to attend, followed by “view more,” to see availability. For any questions, please call the Library at 845-236-7272.
How do I receive the Library's e-newsletter?
How do I donate to the Library?
Gifts both large and small are graciously accepted in support of library services, materials, and programs. Monetary donations can be mailed to the Library or can be brought to our circulation desk. Donations can also be made by participating in our Friends group sponsored events, including raffles, book sales, purchasing tickets to special programs and more!
We are always honored when community members think of us to memorialize a loved one. Memoriam cards are available and can be request for services by contacting the Library. We are happy to work with you to find the best way to honor the memory of your loved one.