We're more than just books!
Item Lending LibrarY
We are excited to provide items for our patrons to borrow! Please review all the information below before borrowing one of the items:
All items are available to Marlboro Central School District Residents (or non-resident cardholders) only with library cards in good standing (no fines due or lost/overdue items) over the age of 18. Availability of the items are on a first come, first served basis: at this time holds or requests cannot be made.
All items must be picked up and returned to the Marlboro Free Library. Upon returning, please make sure all pieces are accounted for and given to a staff member. Do not place the item in the Library’s drop box or leave unattended at the circulation desk.
What to know to borrow:
Borrower must be a Marlboro Central School District Resident (or non-resident MFL card) cardholder in good standing (no fines due or lost/overdue items) over the age of 18.
The loan period is for 3 weeks. Non-renewable. STEM collection loan period is 2 weeks.
Late fines range from $1.00 - $5.00 per day.
Holds cannot be placed on any item.
Limit of one item per card.
A lost or damaged item will result in a charge of full replacement cost of item.
Created with a grant received from Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson, these kits provide children with interactive learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math.
The loan period for STEM kits is 2 weeks.
To see which stem kits are checked in and available, click here and then click on the Marlboro location.
Environmental Science Kit: Plants & Animals of New York
Math Science Kit: Measurements
Astronomy Science Kit: Telescope
Computer Science Kit: Coding
Engineering Science Kit: Construction & Bridges
Geography Science Kit: U.S. Geography
Microscopy Science Kit: Microscope
Physics Science Kit: Force & Motion
Biology Science Kit: Cells
Biology Science Kit: Human Anatomy
Biology Science Kit: Life Cycles
Costume Loan
Costume Loan
The Library has Santa Claus and Easter Bunny costumes available for loan to residents of the Marlboro school district. A $50 cash deposit is required. $40 will be refunded if the costume is returned in satisfactory condition, on time, with all the pieces. $10 will be kept by the Library for costume maintenance. Call (845) 236-7272 to reserve (reservations can be placed starting about a month before the holiday).