The Marlboro Library has received a New York State Aid for Library Construction grant in the amount of $297,575 for interior upgrades. Butler Rowland Mays Architects will lead the project, which will include renovations to the circulation desk and work areas, with an emphasis on efficiency and accessibility improvements.
New York State Aid for Library Construction helps local libraries and library systems to build new libraries, create additions, update electrical wiring and broadband access to accommodate computer technology, meet standards of energy efficiency, renovate facilities to provide full accessibility to library users with disabilities, and provide meeting rooms to accommodate community needs.
“I am always impressed by the way libraries constantly evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the communities they serve. The Marlboro Free Library has always done so much with a relatively small footprint, so I am pleased to join the Library in announcing nearly $300K in funding to make its circulation desk and staff areas more accessible and efficient. I was proud to vote “yes” on this year’s state budget because it included $34 million in capital funds for libraries like the Marlboro Free Library”, said Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson
The Library’s grant amount is the largest awarded in the Mid-Hudson Library System for the 2023-2024 grant cycle.