Use of Library Policy

A. The Marlboro Free Library provides library services and use to all residents of the Town of Marlboro and the Marlboro Central School District.

The Board of Trustees and the staff are committed to offer these services and to maintain Library grounds in the best possible condition.  All patrons are asked to cooperate in carrying out the following rules and regulations:

  1. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times in the Library.  Patrons shall maintain a generally acceptable standard of personal hygiene. Unpleasant body odor which may offend others is considered unacceptable.
  2. Inappropriate behavior, violence, harassment or threatening behavior towards Library staff or patrons, will not be tolerated.  If staff request to stop any such behavior is not heeded, the individual(s) involved will be asked to leave the Library.
  3. Each patron of the Library must be mindful of the rights of others, and is requested to act in a considerate manner to provide an atmosphere conductive to study, reading, and legitimate use of materials and services.
  4. Young children unaccompanied or unsupervised in the Library are the responsibility of the parent or caregiver.  If they demonstrate disruptive behavior, the parent or caregiver will be contacted and the child may lose his/her library privileges.
  5. Parents and/or caregivers of children or young adults must make provisions to pick up their child/children prior to the Library’s closing hour.
  6. Excessive noise and/or other actions, including cell phone usage or using computers or devices without headphones, that is disrupting to patrons or staff is not permitted.
  7. Injury or threat of injury to any person or damage to Library property will not be tolerated.  (See McKINNEY’S CONSOLIDATED LAWS OF NEW YORK ANNOTATED, Education Law, Section 264.)
  8. Animals and/or pets, including comfort animals, are not allowed in the Library, with the exception of those assisting a disabled person.
  9. Food and drink are not allowed in the Library except at special pre-approved functions.
  10. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in the Library except at special pre-approved functions.
  11. Smoking, the use of the use of illegal substances, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not permitted.
  12. Loitering is not permitted on Library property.
  13. The use of the telephone is restricted to Library business.
  14. There will be no soliciting of donations by outside groups at the Library.
  15. The Library will require patrons to follow Library procedures as they relate to local health departments or CDC guidance when necessary, including but not limited to:  the wearing of face coverings, social distancing, vaccination status, and capacity limits.


B. Patrons must comply with Library staff requests to cease behaviors that interfere with the effective functioning of the Library and the use of the Library by others.  Patrons who do not comply with the rules and regulations stated above will have their Library privileges restricted or denied, and actions as presented in the Conduct Policy may be taken.


C. Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, local or other applicable law, or Library policy is not permitted.  


1st Reading 11/6/95

2nd Reading 12/4/95

Revised July 15, 2021